DustScan Ltd has developed a unique capability to provide dust monitoring at a significantly lower cost than many traditional methods, offering monitoring equipment, analysis and consultancy services to industry and regulatory organisations.
Our dust monitoring products include sticky pad directional and deposition dust gauges and a low cost PM10 sampler ideal for baseline and compliance monitoring. Our dust monitoring methodology is recommended in the latest Institute of Air Quality Management Air Quality Monitoring in the Vicinity of Demolition and Construction Sites 2012 best practice guidance.
We also provide dust analyses and sample characterisation with reporting, and dust-related consultancy services including Air Quality Assessments for Environmental Impact Assessments and dust forensic investigations.
The directional information collected using DustScan monitors may be used to identify the location of dust sources from different sites and their various activities and the pathways of dust towards potential receptors. DustScan gauges can be used for compliance assessment, dust annoyance or “nuisance” investigations, to evaluate the effectiveness of dust suppression/mitigation measures and to compliment Dust Management Schemes/Plans.
We are working closely with site operators to address the concerns of local authorities, the Environment Agency and other regulatory bodies. Our clients sites include:
– Construction and demolition
– Land remediation and reclamation
– Quarrying and mineral processing
– Waste transfer and recycling plants
– Power Stations
– Docks, harbours & marinas